
Automated Audit Reports - 02/2024

There was a request that we automate the sending of an Automated report for one of the gambling services that we use, and I took it upon myself to attempt and provide a solution while we awaited the service's team to inform us if they had an internal option. While most likely not very optimal, I managed to produce a solution programmed in Python that opens 27 different webpages one by one to: login, download the list of active users and permissions, parse the webpage to copy the important user data to a CSV, and move both files to a folder. The CSV files are then combined into a single file that is added to the folder. The folder is then zipped, and uploaded to OneDrive for the necessary teams to assess.

Cisco Capstone Project - 12/2022

For my senior capstone project, my group and I chose to create a medium-sized datacenter network with a focus on redundancy to ensure connectivity if a level 3 switch or a router were to go offline. If you hover over the photo below, you will be able to see the physical topology of our network and take a better look at how we chose to build it out. We have separated each set of 3 servers into their own VLANs, and were successfully able to communicate between VLANs with no issues.

Capstone Project Photo

We are using the Cisco Hot Standby Routing Protocol(HSRP) to create a standby IP Address for each set of routers to share. R1 and R2, WAN1 and WAN2, and R3 and R4 are our pairs that share an address. If the primary device, actively holding the IP address, were to go offline, the secondary device will then pick up the standby address and act as the default gateway for all the devices sending traffic, ensuring data is not lost. Please feel free to download the Packet Tracer, Routing Table, and Final Report produced by my group and I below!

Download The Packet Tracer!

Download The Routing Table!

Download Final Report!